
If your child is interested in a more competitive playing and training environment with licensed coaches, the Select division offers an opportunity to accomplish those goals.

Select cost breakdown

Cards & Roster

For your player to be eligible to play competitive soccer in Kansas, they have to be registered, carded, and rostered through the state. This is included in your Select fees.


Tournament entry fees are by far the largest expense of the registration fees you pay for your player. This covers 2 tournaments per season and is included in your Select fees.


Most TSC teams play in a league through Heartland in Kansas City. This is included in our fees.


Paying our staff to support teams and coaches well as provide liability insurance, the TSC website, TeamSnap, and other costs is also included.

Fields & Equipment

Field maintenance, equipment upkeep, property taxes, and water are expensive. We are one of the few Clubs that own their property.

7V7 Ages 8-9

$649 + Trainer Fees

9v9 Ages 10-11

$699 + Trainer Fees

11v11 Ages 12-14

$749 + Trainer Fees

Highschool Ages 13+

$399 + Trainer Fees

Leagues we participate in:

What Age are we?

In 2016, US Soccer changed the way teams are formed by age and TSC is 100% compliant with these guidelines.

Need to see what age your player is in? Check the chart below. We are currently moving to the 2023-2024 soccer year.

AGE Matrix 2022